Unique at home workout

If you don’t have workout equipment at home, don’t worry. You can still get a killer strength workout with things you have lying around your house – MuscleTech athlete Michael Dean shows you how it’s done in his “unique” at-home workout video.
MuscleTech Staff
MuscleTech Staff
Lifting backpack


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If you don’t have workout equipment at home, don’t worry. You can still get a killer strength workout with things you have lying around your house – MuscleTech athlete Michael Dean shows you how it’s done in his “unique” at-home workout video. 4 rounds. 10-15 reps per set.

Bicep Curls 4×10
Bent-Over Rows 4×12
Front Squats 4×10
Straight Leg Deadlifts 4×15
French Press 4×10
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