Insider Strategies to Beef Up Your Lower Pecs

Having difficulty building up your lower chest? Try these 7 strategies to bring it up.
MuscleTech Staff
MuscleTech Staff
muscletech lower pecs


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The lower chest is one of the most difficult areas to bring up, either because declines always come last in your workout or it’s simply a stubborn area. Here are seven great strategies to bring it up. Try a 6 to 8-week program for extreme growth.

1. Start your workout with a big move on the decline bench, not the flat bench.

2. Include another decline movement later in your workout – just make it dissimilar to the first, especially in terms of rep target and angle.

3. Don’t forget single-joint lower chest movements like cable crossovers and decline bench cable flyes.

4. Do a major intensity booster like rest-pause, negatives or forced reps with a decline exercise.

5. Focus your final, high-rep exercise on getting a supreme pump, but do it with a lower pec move.

6. Insert a rest day before your next chest workout.

7. Train chest twice over the course of your training split, alternating distinctly different chest workouts.