How to Make Your Hams Pop

So you hammer your legs, but you cannot get your hamstrings to grow, or you want a solid hamstring workout that will get you off to a good start? Look no further
MuscleTech Staff
MuscleTech Staff


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So you hammer your legs, but you cannot get your hamstrings to grow, or you want a solid hamstring workout that will get you off to a good start? Look no further – I have compiled a workout along with some good tips to help you build those hams.


When it comes to training hamstrings, you must first establish a good mind-muscle connection. This will be the key to maximizing muscle recruitment though each repetition. Unfortunately, for some this may involve lowering the weight – sorry, guys!


This technique is effective for a multitude of muscle groups, including hamstrings. Your objective is to get the blood flowing to the working muscles to create greater stimulus for maximum growth when followed by heavy compounds, which we like.


TUT training on hamstrings is a game changer: it will help make your hamstrings bulletproof/less susceptible to injury while contributing to the mind-muscle connection and simulation.

All of these tips can be added to any hamstring workout but, of course, will work better with the workout I have provided below.

Upright stationary bike for 5 minutes – high load with heels on pedals
Pre-exhaust: seated, lying or standing curls, 3 sets x 15 reps (45-second rest)
Barbell good mornings, 4 sets x 12 reps (45-second rest)
Barbell Romanian deadlifts from deficit, 4 sets x 12 reps (45-second rest)
Barbell sumo deadlifts, 4 sets x 10 reps (45-second rest)
Glute ham raise, 3 sets x 10 reps (45-second rest)
Swiss ball leg curls, 2 sets x 25 reps (45-second rest)

This workout should take a little over 50 minutes and cover the three major muscles that make up hamstrings (semimembranosus, semitendinosus and the biceps femoris). As mentioned above, applying TUT to this workout will make things more challenging, so if you’re new to this technique, make sure you ease yourself in gently. Don’t forget that mind-muscle connection needs to be king here to make the most of hamstring training.

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