Excelling in Primal Movements

More often than not, we try our hands at some of the most complex and unnecessary exercises, thinking they are going to propel us to our goals faster. However, sometimes, mastering what I call the “Primal Movements” is actually more essential. When a workout program is based on these movement patterns, increased strength, conditioning, and overall enhanced athleticism is the result!
MuscleTech Staff
MuscleTech Staff


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More often than not, we try our hands at some of the most complex and unnecessary exercises, thinking they are going to propel us to our goals faster.  However, sometimes, mastering what I call the “Primal Movements” is actually more essential. When a workout program is based on these movement patterns, increased strength, conditioning, and overall enhanced athleticism is the result!

Primal Movements have often been called the exercise kin to the Paleo Diet. In essence, performing exercises that focus on functionality and incorporating numerous body parts all at once – similar to the basic functional strength movements humans have been doing naturally for thousands of years. You won’t find isolation exercises in this program (though feel free to add them in on your own). Instead, it’s a program based around pushing, pulling, squatting, carrying, lunging and hip-hinging.

This is my workout program that stresses Primal Movements and, if done consistently, can help you build unstoppable real-world strength, power and conditioning!


Push: 3 sets

  1. Bench Press, 8 reps
  2. Standing Cable Chest Press, 10 reps
  3. Push-Ups, 1 x to failure

Squat: 3 sets

  1. Back Squats, 8 reps
  2. Bulgarian Split Squat, 10 reps per leg
  3. 1 ½ rep Kettlebell Goblet Squats, 10 reps


  1. Overhead Barbell Carry, 4 x 25 yds (as heavy as possible)

*Use a weight that allows you to go heavy but still be able to maintain posture and position


Pull: 3 sets

  1. Pull-Ups, max reps
  2. Dumbbell 1-Arm Bent Over-Row, 8 reps (per arm)
  3. Barbell Upright Row, 12 reps

Lunge: 3 sets

  1. Barbell Reverse Lunge, 10 reps
  2. Transverse Dumbbell Lunge, 12 reps

Hinge: 3 sets

  1. Romanian Deadlifts, 10 reps
  2. Kettlebell Russian Swings, 10 reps

*Use a weight that allows you to go heavy but still able to maintain posture and position


Metabolic Circuit: (30 sec work/30 sec rest)

  1. Push-Ups (feet elevated on bench)
  2. Barbell Front Squat
  3. Barbell Row
  4. Forward Walking Lunge
  5. Sumo Deadlift
  6. Zercher Carry