Do-Anywhere Moves

No equipment? No problem! Here are four simple moves that target the major muscle groups, to help you get by in the interim.
MuscleTech Staff
MuscleTech Staff
Do-Anywhere Moves


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No equipment? No problem! Here are four simple moves that target the major muscle groups, to help you get by in the interim.

Do 20 reps each (one minute for the plank), then repeat three to four times. Try this quick routine a few times a week.

Do-Anywhere Moves: Plank


Targets abs, back and shoulders.

Do-Anywhere Moves: Push-up


Targets chest, shoulders and triceps.

Do-Anywhere Moves: Crunch


Targets abs.

Do-Anywhere Moves: Walking Lunge

Walking lunge

Targets glutes, hamstrings and quads.