Easy Protein Crepes

Check out this great crepe recipe combining chocolate and almond milk.
MuscleTech Staff
MuscleTech Staff


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  • Step 1: Slowly mix 65g of Milk Chocolate PHASE8™ protein blended with almond milk in bowl until a thick pudding consistency is achieved.
  • Step 2: Spray frying pan with low-cal cooking spray and gently heat.
  • Step 3: Once pan is hot, add 150ml egg whites to pan, flip over once cooked on one side. Once both sides are cooked, place on plate and repeat another 2 more times to make 3 crêpes total.
  • Step 4: Spoon over a thick layer of the PHASE8™ protein into the center of each of the crêpe leaving a few inches from the outer edge of the crêpe. Simply fold the side of each crêpe over to create your finished product. Drizzle natural peanut butter over each.